🕊️ Alliances

⚠️ Note: Alliance features outlined here are still in the works and are not yet live in the game!


👑 President - Propose New legislation & Amendments to be voted on by members

👨‍⚖️ Justice - Repeal legislation without a vote

🪖 General - Manage Alliance Military (this is more like a Alliance V3 thing tbh)

🪙 Treasurer - Manage Alliance Bank & Mega Wonders

🗂️ Secretary - Holds regular elections, can hold emergency/recall elections

👨‍💼 Member - Vote on Laws and in Elections

Types of 📜 Legislation

📝 Regulation - Introduce a new rule for alliance members

🚫 Ban - Ban a military unit or building

🤏 Limit - Limit a maximum number of military unit or building

✅ Require - Require a minimum number of military unit or building

✍️ Ammendment - Ammend an existing regulation

🗑️ Repeal - Repeal an existing regulation

Members vote on values when they first enter. The opacity of the values are between 0-100% The idea being that the members ccumulative votes reflect the alliances overall values. Members can check or uncheck values at any time and their votes remain anonymous.
🎓 Education
⚖️ Justice
💹 Free Markets
♻️ Sustainability
🫡 Conformity
🛐 Worship
📝 Regulation
📝 Regulation
📝 Regulation
✍️ Ammendment
🗑️ Repeal

🗳️ Ammendment

🤏 Limit
🚀 Missile
from 10 to 25
👍 Vote in favor
👎 Vote against